For organisations

For organisations
International Citizen Days brings together more than 100 great partners across sectors and regions each year, welcoming more than 6000 internationals in Greater Copenhagen - and we hope your organisation will join us! The open call for 2025 has not yet started, but you are always welcome to reach out to us at if you are interested in a collaboration.
Why take part in International Citizen Days?
International Citizen Days 2025 is coming up and your organisation has the chance to take part in this one-of-a-kind welcome event and connect with the international community in Greater Copenhagen.
Meet great talent
Greater Copenhagen is home to thousands of talented internationals, who come here to work or study. They bring unique skills, global experiences, and new perspectives. By participating in our job and career fair at International Citizen Days, your organisation gains direct access to a diverse talent pool and the opportunity to engage with potential employees who attend the event actively looking for new career opportunities - for example through a professional career matchmaking event.
New members, volunteers and visitors
Internationals are often keen to integrate into local communities and embrace the cultural, sports and leisure activities offered in their neighbourhoods. By participating in our recreational zone at International Citizen Days, your sports club, dance studio or cultural institution have the chance meet potential new members, volunteers and visitors looking for fun and meaningful ways to engage in their new communities.
Showcase your services
Do you offer services relevant for internationals? Present your products and services to an international audience eager to explore their new home. International Citizen Days provides a unique platform to showcase what your organisation has to offer. This is an excellent chance to enhance your brand visibility among internationals and other participating businesses and not least to network with other professionals in the region.
Let’s work together to celebrate diversity, cross-cultural understanding, and global citizenship in Greater Copenhagen.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
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Who can participate?
Friday is targeted companies looking for international talent (skilled and unskilled) and other organisations that can help international citizens establish a career in Denmark.
Saturday is targeted all organisations that would like to welcome international citizens and share services, information and guidance that can help them settle in Greater Copenhagen.
You must live up to the following criteria in order to take part in International Citizen Days 2025:
- Your services must be in English and relevant to international citizens in Greater Copenhagen
- Your involvement in the event must be free of charge
- You must represent the entire industry or field that you are part of and not promote own services only.
Places are generally granted on a first-come, first-served basis. We reserve the right to choose event partners based on an overall assessment focusing primarily on relevance of services.
What forms of participation are possible?
We welcome different forms of participation, including partnership, exhibition stands, workshops, stage talks, and other types of activities. During the application process, you are able to choose and specify your preferred form(s) of participation. Please note that the event is network-oriented for which reason all organisations involved are expected to engage in dialogues with the guests.
As a partner, you will have the opportunity to become part of a strong network, shape International Citizen Days 2025 together with us, and make your mark on Denmark's largest welcome event for internationals. You will be visible as a partner and an important player - both towards international talent in Denmark and abroad but also towards your business partners.
As a partner, you also play an active role in the debate on the international talent agenda and develop concrete services and events. At the same time, the event provides access to new knowledge about the target group and helps companies with onboarding and retention of international employees.
If you are interested in a partnership, we will develop a customised partner package for you. The partner programme is based on four different packages from which you choose the one that suits you best. Based on this, your participation is customised according to your needs and wishes.
Please reach out to project manager Louise Seest at 6017 7737 / to learn more.
Exhibition stand
A stand in the exhibition area is highly recommended. It is a great way to present your organisation and engage in fruitful dialogues with guests. You can have a stand for either one or two days, choosing between two different stand models (a free standing high table or a stand with back and side panels). All stands are provided free of charge and come with basic equipment (a high table, two bar stools and electricity). Additional equipment and brand visibility at the stand are the responsibility of each organisation. You will receive further information on this once your participation is confirmed. If you do get a stand, it is expected that your stand is manned the entire day of the event and that you engage in dialogues with the guests in fluent English.
Please reach out to to learn more.
Stage talk
Would you like to share your expertise on a specific topic relevant for international citizens in Greater Copenhagen? You can then apply to be part of the official stage programme at the event. There are three stages with talks of approx. 30 minutes incl. Q&A The talk must have a broad relevance and at the same time be non-commercial, presented in fluent English and be representative of the industry or field concerned. If more than one organisation wish to cover the same topic, a joint talk may be coordinated by the organiser.
Please reach out to to learn more.
If you would like to contribute with a programme point outside of the stage, you can apply for a place in the activities programme. This is a good option for all interactive programme points, e.g. networking sessions, drop-in activities by sports clubs or dance studios, creative/craft workshops or activities for children who make up 20% of all guests on Saturday. There is space for all-day drop-in activities and time-limited activities of 20-30 minutes.
Please reach out to to learn more.
How do we register?
You can now apply to take part in International Citizen Days 2025. Please note, however, that your application is a declaration of interest and thus not finally confirmed until you hear from us.
International House Copenhagen has once again this year teamed up with Copenhagen Capacity in order to connect international talent with great Danish companies. This unique matchmaking event takes place at International Citizen Days 2024 on Friday 19 September, providing companies with the chance to meet highly skilled talent face-to-face in exclusive 1:1 meetings. You can learn more about the professional matchmaking event and apply for it here.
How much does it cost?
Participation is free of charge for both organisations and guests.
How can we promote the event?
We have created a digital toolkit in order to make it easy for you and others to promote International Citizen Days. The toolkit is free and can easily be downloaded here.
Is is possible to donate prizes for the event?
Yes. Your organisation can donate prizes for the event, which will be used for the always popular wheel of fortune or as giveaways for the early birds. It can be everything from gift cards to entrance tickets, which is a great way to invite newcomers to get to know your organisation. If you are interested in sponsoring a prize, please reach out to us at
How about the practicalities during the event?
There is a lot of important practical information related to the actual event days, which we hope that you and your organisation take the time to carefully read prior to 19 & 20 September. You can find all the practicalities here.
Why is International Citizen Days important?
Denmark is short of labour and international talent can contribute with knowledge and skills. Demographic projections show a decline in the number of people of working age by 2040 - in Denmark and in the rest of the EU.
Denmark must be positioned as an attractive destination. The countries we have historically recruited from will face even greater demographic challenges than Denmark, and competition for the best minds and hands will intensify.
International talent in Denmark must be retained better. Among EU citizens with a business as a basis for residence, almost half have left after 6 years - from third countries it is already after 4 years. According to international comparisons, Denmark ranks at the bottom in terms of feeling at home and creating social relationships. You and your organisation can help us change that.
Please reach out to project manager Louise Seest at 6017 7737 / to learn more.